National Trucking Week is being held September 4th to September 10th this year. The purpose of the week long celebration is to recognize the important contributions made by the 400,000 Canadian men and women who keep the country’s freight moving.
Rempel Insurance has been a proud supporter of the National Trucking Week for many years and to show our support, we have I ♥ Trucking t-shirts that will be worn during the week of September 4-10, 2016. We have also entered a team into the annual United Way Truck pull and are part of the World’s Largest Truck Convoy.
› Honk at us while you drive by our office at 207 Main Street South, Morris, MB.
› Keep your eyes open for a special insert in the MTA newsletter.
› Enter a team in for the Annual Truck Pull for United Way on Friday September 9 at Polo Park Shopping
Centre! The Pencil Pushers (Rempel Insurance Brokers) have already entered a team and would like to
see you there.
› Register for Worlds Largest Truck Convoy for Special Olympics MB Saturday Sept 10 at the Oak Bluff
Recreation Centre.
› Share your National Trucking Week celebrations with us! We encourage you to email your week long
celebration pictures to info@rempelinsurance.com so we can use them on our website and social media.