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Commercial General Liability (CGL)


There has been a dramatic rise in both the number of claims and settlement amounts for third party liability claims over the last number of years. This increase in claims is affecting all business owners.

You have responsibilities as an owner or occupier of your premises. An occupier is anyone with physical control of the premises, including the conditions and the activities carried on there. There is a real responsibility to take active precautions to keep the premises safe for visitors.

You also have responsibilities as an owner or supplier of the products that you sell. You owe your customers a duty to take care to ensure that your products are safe.

The list of possible risks could be endless but a stroll around your property and a review of your product loss control measures are a good place to start.

With attention to detail, good maintenance and inspection procedures that are well documented, accidents and claims can be prevented or successfully defended. Conscientious loss prevention is the only way to control claims costs.

Be sure to seek advice and purchase insurance from those who understand your business!