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Is your ATV covered?


Many of you out there believe your ATV is covered under the Blanket Farm Machinery Floater on your Farm Property Insurance Policy. It can be, but you have to actually tell your broker specifically about it. If you do not it is not covered. An ATV is licensable under the Off-Road Vehicle Act and because of this it is excluded from the farm policy, again this is the case unless you add it to the policy on a separate rider.

When thinking about insuring your ATV there are basically 3 different items to consider. 1) Collision Coverage- covers you for collision with another object i.e.: car or tree. 2) Fire & Theft Coverage known in “my world” as Comprehensive Coverage- this protects you from losses of fire, theft and many other types of losses i.e.: breaking through ice. 3) Third Party Liability Coverage- this is to protect you from someone who claims that you caused damages in regards to personal injury or property damage i.e. you drove into the side of their car (it has happened).

When you insure this on your farm policy you are only covered for Third Party Liability while using it on your private property. With Autopac you are getting coverage while crossing a roadway or while running in a roadway ditch.

You have 2 basic options when it comes to insuring your ATV. You can insure your ATV on your Farm Policy or insure it with Autopac. Normally you will not find it in your favor to insure with anyone other then Autopac. No this is not turning into a commercial for Manitoba Public Insurance, check it out, I think you will agree that this is best for you in coverage terms and in what it costs you.

Today’s farmers should purchase insurance from people who know farming. Farming is a business, and you should seek advice from people who understand your business.