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Private Crop Hail Insurance


Are you protected from the devastation of Hail and Fire to your crop? With Private Crop Hail Insurance you get Hail and Fire coverage and both losses are paid on a “spot loss” basis. Crop Hail insurance provides immediate cash flow relief. Hail insurance is the smallest per acre input cost. Can you afford to lose any portion of your crop?

Insurance companies are just like you, they do not know where it will hail this summer so they limit the amount of risk they accept in any one area. Once they hit that dollar amount they stop selling in that specific area. The problem is that if you have not purchased your coverage yet, you will need to buy from another company, likely at a higher cost. You may want to consider buying sooner rather than later.

Insurance: Money from many to pay for the losses of a few. This is the very basic principle of insurance. As these insurance companies practice Risk Management you do as well. How much risk can you afford and are comfortable with?

Be sure to seek advice and purchase insurance from those who understand your business!