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Heat Prostration Insurance


Plan Now! Now is the time to put together a plan in order to keep your livestock production at peak efficiency this next summer. Heat Prostration insurance is available just in case things do go bad.

In order to qualify for the coverage though, just like any other insurance, you must qualify. Qualifying for the coverage is your first step in risk management. The cost of the insurance it self is affordable. When you purchase this livestock coverage, the business interruption coverage that is already on your insurance program automatically reacts at the time of claim with no additional cost to you. This is simply by way of how insurance policies work.

There is a lot that can be done to minimize the risk of heat stress to your livestock. I know of the products that are available but your equipment supplier is obviously the one to speak to about that. Your insurance broker however is the one to get information from as to what the insurance companies are looking for. There is specific equipment and cfm requirements that need to be in your barn. So your insurance broker should be one of your first points of contact.

Even if you do the research and implement some or all recommendations but do not buy the insurance, you are still in a better situation for the next heat wave.

Be sure to seek advice and purchase insurance from an insurance broker who understands your business!