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Insurance Values and Inflation

Insurance Values and Inflation One of the most challenging things to do right now when advising clients on their insurance coverage is giving direction to building costs in light of the changes that have happened to the price of steel and wood in the last year.  This has caused many insurers to increase the level …


Understanding Co-Insurance

Understanding Co-insurance In the last few weeks, I have had the privilege of getting on the road to see clients again. I have finally seen the new shops, refurbished hopper bins & fertilizer tanks, house additions, office remodels and an intentionally crooked garden shed that takes the gold medal for lock-down projects that I’ve observed.  …


Cyber Insurance Options on the Rise

Would you be surprised to hear that since the start of the pandemic a substantial spike in cyber crime has occurred?  As employees in most offices across the world were suddenly working from home, setting up their temporary workstations, cyber criminals were salivating at the opportunity like some of us used to at an all-you-can-eat …


Rental Protection for your Farm Machinery

There are a few areas of insurance that I believe are especially important.  Hands-on experience is a great teacher, and prior to my career in the insurance industry, I had the privilege of working on a farm for three years and I rather innocently learned the fine art of causing farm machinery insurance claims. Please …


No Longer Alone

Have you ever felt alone in the world?  I recently had a conversation with a co-worker that shook my perspective and made me realize that I am no longer alone.  While this may make you want to burst out in song and unleash your inner Barbara Streisand, let me explain. Becoming a licensed insurance broker …


Are All Brokers the Same?

Occasionally we are asked whether insurance coverage, rating and options are the same for each broker.  If you have an auto policy, isn’t it the same at each broker?  If you have a farm policy, is there any difference if we deal with one broker versus any other broker in the province?  If I need …


MPI Introduces New Coverage Options

MPI is introducing new coverage options for renewals and reassessments with an effective date of April 1, 2021 or later. Overview of changes: Basic policy deductible increasing from $500 to $750 The lowest policy deductible available will be increased from $100 to $200 An enhanced deductible option has been added Glass repair and vandalism claim deductible …