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Category - Announcements


Dale Rempel Award of Excellence

The Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC) announced Monday that Rodney Hancock, CEO of McFarlan Rowlands Insurance Brokers in London, Ontario, is the recipient of the inaugural Dale Rempel Award of Excellence. The award – in honour of Dale Rempel, IBAC’s highly regarded former president who passed away in 2012 – recognizes excellence in broker …


Live Different Donation

Rempel Insurance is thrilled to support Live Different – a movement that challenges today’s youth to demonstrate consistent actions of love, hope and change; both large and small. This year the charity is focused on overwhelming the world with kindness, one act at a time. Their message is spread through hip and energetic high school …


Fire Department Golf Tournament

Volunteers are the backbone of every community, and Rempel Insurance is proud to support our local volunteer fire department in their 1st Annual MFD Golf Tournament on September 13, 2014.  We have committed $5000.00 over the next 5 years to this fundraiser.  Funds raised this year will be going to improvements in the after-call area …


Proud Supporter of National Trucking Week

September 7-12, 2014 marks National Trucking week across Canada.  As Manitoba’s largest independent trucking insurance broker, Rempel Insurance values the contribution that trucking makes to our economy.  We appreciate the opportunity to work with more than 75 trucking companies across the province.  Canada moves by truck!


Rosenort Summer Festival

Rempel Insurance proudly sponsored the Prancing Pony Portable Petting Zoo at the 2014 Rosenort Summer Festival on Saturday, August 10.  The weather was fantastic, the crowds were in abundance and the organizing committee put on a great weekend! Children were thrilled with the blue Rempel Insurance Fling Rings that were handed out, and of course …


Stampede Kickoff

Rempel Insurance team enjoyed a fun-filled Stampede Kickoff on Wednesday, July 16 in downtown Morris.  The event included live music, steak supper, inflatable bouncers and much more. Our team hosted children’s games consisting of “Wheels of Insurance” and the ever popular bean bag toss.  120 participants completed the challenge and received candy bags for their …


School Work Award

Rempel Insurance is excited to sponsor the 2014 School Work Aggregate Trophy at the Manitoba Stampede and Exhibition.  This year, the trophies were presented to Loren Maendel and Savanna Maendel representing Albright School, Oak Bluff Colony. Each year, the boy and girl who accumulate the most prize money in the school work competition receive a …


Love Morris

Love Morris 2014


Grain Challenge Hockey Tournament Sponsor

Rempel Insurance sponsored the 15th Annual Grain Challenge Hockey Tournament.
The annual Agricultural Industry Grain Challenge Hockey Tournament runs over the course of the weekend and hosts 40 teams from the agriculture industry. All funds raised are given to the Children’s Wish Foundation.


Habitat for Humanity Build

On Wednesday, October 16th, members of the Rempel Insurance Brokers team participated in the Habitat for Humanity 1st Annual Manitoba Property Insurance Build. Rempel Insurance Brokers also contributed $1,500 towards this initiative, partnering with primary sponsors, the Insurance Broker Association of Manitoba and Wawanesa Mutual Insurance. More Information.