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CAIB Designation – Brendan Heppner

Brendan Heppner has completed a university level course of studies in general insurance.  He is now qualified to use the C.A.I.B. (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker) Designation. Rempel Insurance Brokers management and staff strive to constantly upgrade their knowledge and professionalism through continuing education to achieve personal and industry accreditation. Congratulations Brendan!


WHL Jersey Contest Winner – 2015

Congratulations to Chauncey Dyck, winner of the 2015 WHL Jersey Contest sponsored by Rempel Insurance Brokers and the Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba. Shawn Graydon presented Chauncey with a Brandon Wheat Kings autographed jersey. Chauncey’s name has also been entered into the grand prize draw for a trip for two to the MasterCard Memorial Cup …


Local Cancer Care Fundraiser Support

(Corey Mazinke, Matt Mazinke, Cheryl Gemmell, Robyn Collette, Lynn Rempel, Shawn Graydon, Paul Remillard, Jeff Landry, Jamie Vanderlinde, Tyler Penner) Rempel Insurance stands tall with Pembina Valley Twisters in the fight against cancer.  January 23-25, 2015 is the Cancer Care Weekend at the Morris Arena and Team Rempel has started the fundraising with a donation …


Community Contribution Award

Team Rempel is proud to have been nominated and awarded the prestigious Morris & District Chamber of Commerce 2014 Community Contribution Award. This nomination was not only for our financial contributions to the community, but also for our volunteerism on local committees.  Rempel Insurance is proud to support our local communities and is honored to …


Habitat for Humanity Build 2014

(L-R Shawn Graydon, David Schmidt, Robyn Collette, Lionel Wiens, Jeff Landry) October 28, 2014 Team Rempel embarked on our second annual Habitat for Humanity build in Winnipeg.  Rempel Insurance contributed $1500.00 towards this project, and partnered with Wawanesa Insurance, Portage La Prairie Mutual Insurance, Red River Mutual and Wynward Insurance Group for the 2014 Insurance …


Dale Rempel Award of Excellence

The Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC) announced Monday that Rodney Hancock, CEO of McFarlan Rowlands Insurance Brokers in London, Ontario, is the recipient of the inaugural Dale Rempel Award of Excellence. The award – in honour of Dale Rempel, IBAC’s highly regarded former president who passed away in 2012 – recognizes excellence in broker …


Live Different Donation

Rempel Insurance is thrilled to support Live Different – a movement that challenges today’s youth to demonstrate consistent actions of love, hope and change; both large and small. This year the charity is focused on overwhelming the world with kindness, one act at a time. Their message is spread through hip and energetic high school …


Fire Department Golf Tournament

Volunteers are the backbone of every community, and Rempel Insurance is proud to support our local volunteer fire department in their 1st Annual MFD Golf Tournament on September 13, 2014.  We have committed $5000.00 over the next 5 years to this fundraiser.  Funds raised this year will be going to improvements in the after-call area …


Proud Supporter of National Trucking Week

September 7-12, 2014 marks National Trucking week across Canada.  As Manitoba’s largest independent trucking insurance broker, Rempel Insurance values the contribution that trucking makes to our economy.  We appreciate the opportunity to work with more than 75 trucking companies across the province.  Canada moves by truck!


Rosenort Summer Festival

Rempel Insurance proudly sponsored the Prancing Pony Portable Petting Zoo at the 2014 Rosenort Summer Festival on Saturday, August 10.  The weather was fantastic, the crowds were in abundance and the organizing committee put on a great weekend! Children were thrilled with the blue Rempel Insurance Fling Rings that were handed out, and of course …