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Custom Work

So, you have your machinery insured on your farm policy and you decide to earn a little extra revenue by going out and doing some custom work. Did you know that the farm policy is designed for farmers doing their own farm work and not for farmers doing farm work for others? This is referred …


Crop Hail Insurance

There are two greatest risks that you have to losing your crop this summer and you have little to no control over them. They are Hail and Fire loss. Many do not know that with Hail Insurance you automatically get Fire insurance as well. Also, it is important to recognize that this program provides coverage …


The Dangers of Hiring Uninsured Contractors

 As a result, you could have the following claims: As Agri-Commercial Business Owners or Farmers, all of you reading this will have and will continue to hire contractors to build, repair or do general maintenance for your business.  It is inevitable, there is no way of going forward without hiring outside help. Have you ever …


Farm Machinery Loss of Use Coverage

What do you do when you have an accident with your tractor and/or air seeder and it is damaged? What if your combine is damaged by a rock or it catches on fire. You cannot afford to be without any of these pieces of machinery so you rent a replacement.  Does your insurance policy pay …


Replacement Cost Insurance

Replacement cost insurance means the insurance company will pay for the rebuilding costs of the same quality and size of building that there was previous to a loss, spending up to the limit of coverage on the policy. So, if you do not have enough coverage listed on your policy you will have to pay …


Insurance: Necessity or Luxury?

Everybody knows the saying; “Agriculture is the Backbone of our Country”. What then is insurance, the nerves? I ask this because you should try finalizing your finances without having your insurance in place. It is a very important part of your business plan; without it a lot of businesses would be closed down or never …


Clean up Costs & Rebuilding

It is November, what if you experience a total loss that you always thought would never happen to you and now your property is burnt to the ground. Without actual quotations from a Contractor or an Appraiser, you do not know with absolute certainty what the limit of coverage on your policy should be. Even …


Do you hire Employees?

If your farm hires help over the course of the year, you better make sure you have Employers Liability coverage on your farm insurance program. Being that you have hired labor working for you on your farm, legally you have a duty to take care and provide a safe working environment for them. If you …


Fuel Oil Storage

Hazardous Materials on the farm is an important issue today. The world is becoming more and more sensitive to anything that can potentially cause environmental harm. Insurance policies may or may not pay for the clean up costs of spilt fuel. It all depends on the situation. If there is damage to property that is …


Do you have Insurance?

Right at the top of every farm or business insurance policy is the “Named Insured”. Simply put, this is who can make a claim against this policy if they have an insurable interest, meaning they have a financial tie to the property and operations that the policy is covering. Typically, the name will be the …