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Stampede Kickoff

Rempel Insurance team enjoyed a fun-filled Stampede Kickoff on Wednesday, July 16 in downtown Morris.  The event included live music, steak supper, inflatable bouncers and much more. Our team hosted children’s games consisting of “Wheels of Insurance” and the ever popular bean bag toss.  120 participants completed the challenge and received candy bags for their …


School Work Award

Rempel Insurance is excited to sponsor the 2014 School Work Aggregate Trophy at the Manitoba Stampede and Exhibition.  This year, the trophies were presented to Loren Maendel and Savanna Maendel representing Albright School, Oak Bluff Colony. Each year, the boy and girl who accumulate the most prize money in the school work competition receive a …


Replacement Cost vs. Market Value

Replacement Cost is very different than Market value. Insurance premiums and limits of coverage are not based on the current resale value of your building. They are based on the cost to rebuild similar size and quality without allowing for depreciation. Replacement cost includes new materials, today’s labor costs, debris removal, site accessibility, winter heating …


Got Life Insurance?

Your life is an asset, just like a car, a home, or a business. When you lose it, you may want to be compensated for its value. You do not have to trade in other assets. The mortality rate in this country has not changed. It remains at 100%. The question remains, what is the length …


MTA Associated Trades Golf Tournament

The Manitoba Trucking Association’s  annual Associated Trades Golf  Tournament on June 11, was held at Bel Acres Golf and Country Club.  Rempel Insurance Brokers was a Hole Sponsor at the  6 Man Texas Scramble tournament. A special thanks to all the organizers, as a great day of golf was held and proceeds went to support the MTA Scholarship …


Motorized Yard Equipment

All Farm Homeowner Policies have a listing within the wordings called “Special Limits of Insurance”. This listing of personal contents describes the maximum amount of money that you can claim on each of these items and/or category of items. An example of the special limit of insurance listing reads something like this: We insure lawn …


The Cost to Rebuild

Typically, you want to insure your buildings for the cost to rebuild, this is referred to Replacement Cost Coverage. You do not want to insure too high because you will not get more than it actually costs to rebuild and yet you also do not want to insure too low which leaves you exposed at …


Equipment Breakdown

Farm and Commercial policies cover the electrical, mechanical and other equipment used in most operations against fire, theft, collision and other events. But most property policies specifically exclude losses arising from a very common problem, equipment breakdown, which includes electrical injury, mechanical breakdown, pressure explosion, rupture and cracking. So, any business operation that use pressure, …