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ATV’s and Dirt Bikes

A lot of people think their ATV, Off Road Vehicle, Snowmobile or Dirt Bike is covered on their existing insurance policy.  This is not right! There is no coverage on farm, commercial or home insurance policies unless they are specifically scheduled. When you do choose to insure this on your farm, commercial or house policy …


Number One Mistake

I believe the number one mistake people make when buying insurance is insuring too low.  When discussing limits of coverage with an insurance company representative he confirmed for me that is their experience as well. One example is a barn fire, the cost to clean it up so they could rebuild equaled to 10% of …


Hire Insured Contractors

We hire contractors to build, repair and to do general maintenance on a regular basis. Have you ever thought about what would happen if there were damages caused because of their work? Imagine you own a building and operate your business in it and you rent out some areas of the building that you do …


Rebuilding Costs

Typically, you want to insure your buildings for the cost to rebuild. Without actual quotations from a Contractor or an Appraiser, you do not know with absolute certainty what the limit of coverage on your policy should be. Even with that done there are a lot of outside forces that affect replacement cost. For example: …


Your Employees and being Safe

Statistics show that farm accidents increase during the rushed long days of the harvest season. Of course there is often property damage and that involves your farm insurance policy. For example: driving into the machine shed with the combine forgetting to pull in the unloading auger or driving the truck away while the box is …


Insuring your Threshed Grain

The Threshed Grain Floater is an important consideration for you. When placing coverage on your threshed grain, you need to insure to the maximum value that you have on hand at anyone time throughout the year. The premium that you pay takes into consideration the fact that this maximum value is typically for a small …


Private Crop Hail Insurance

Are you protected from the devastation of Hail and Fire to your crop? With Private Crop Hail Insurance you get Hail and Fire coverage and both losses are paid on a “spot loss” basis. Crop Hail insurance provides immediate cash flow relief. Hail insurance is the smallest per acre input cost. Can you afford to …


How much is enough?

Your life is an asset, just like a car, a home, or a business. When you lose it, you may want to be compensated for its value. You do not have to trade in other assets. The mortality rate in this country has not changed. It remains at 100%. The question remains, what is the length …


D & O Insurance Policy

Many people believe that incorporation creates some kind of legal veil leaving limited liability behind. This is not the case. Directors and Officers of a corporation are responsible for their actions, the actions of the corporation and in some instances the actions of other directors. The courts have assessed damages against directors of corporations for …


Commercial General Liability (CGL)

There has been a dramatic rise in both the number of claims and settlement amounts for third party liability claims over the last number of years. This increase in claims is affecting all business owners. You have responsibilities as an owner or occupier of your premises. An occupier is anyone with physical control of the …